Saturday, May 31, 2014

Cheap HP Pavilion Touchsmart 11-E010nr 11.6-Inch Touchscreen Laptop

HP Pavilion Touchsmart 11-E010nr 11.6-Inch Touchscreen Laptop
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $567.00
Sale Price: $375.45
Today's Bonus: 34% Off
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I bought mine for $329 at Office max when they had an $100 off sale. It was a deal sealer. They said this model just came out, and it was top of line. Its an very attractive model over ASUS which is two tone with Silver and I hated that. This is my first HP and I love it.

This laptop boots up to useable screen in 3 seconds! And I set mine to shut down when the lid is shut.

It comes with windows 8 and you can switch to windows desktop with a push of the screen or by pressing window button on the keyboard. I believe windows 8 is far superior to windows 7 and the touch screen is a real nice item! I bought this after looking at a bunch of them and decided I wanted touch screen & windows 8-with desktop like windows 7. The start button is missing but its coming back in the next update. I'm using short cuts to 'my computer' and 'my documents' to get around it.

The screen is very vibrant to look at, has 2 USB 3.0 ports, and one 2.0port that I use for a wireless mouse. it has HDMI hook ups for HD external monitor and it appears to have an express card slot, VGA, and built in Ethernet for connecting to the internet if you don't have access to wireless.

It doesn't play DVDs with an external DVD player unless you have a program like cyberlink 8 or betterI just happened to have one laying around, those programs can be expensive. I bought the LG external player for $20+ and I used it to install software too and its very portable.

The computer is pretty fast and I had no problems installing stuff. It has 500 Gb hard drive plenty of space, 4 gigs of ram and I believe its upgradable to 8 gigs.

I have to say its the best laptop I have ever purchased.. lightweight, very portable, fast, very attractive, and you're up and running very quick.

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I needed a small laptop with a wired Internet connector (to use in hotels--their wi-fi is often not free, and often isn't very responsive). This unit more than met my needs, and has Windows 8 and a touch screen to boot. There is a LOT of capability here for a VERY reasonable price.

The touch screen and Windows 8 work very well together, but of course Windows 8 takes some getting used to if you're not already familiar with it. Having the touch screen makes that a LOT easier.

The main thing I notice about this laptop is how nicely it is designed. The connectors, the keyboard, the lights, the case, the screen -everything just oozes quality and good engineering. HP must have hired some designers away from Apple, because this is a NICE machine, along the lines of Apple's famous hardware. It's not the fastest thing in the world, but after all it's a low-cost laptop.

There's no optical drive in the computer, and I haven't yet hooked it up to an external drive and tried to load any software. Based on other reviews, I don't expect any problems. I haven't used the machine on battery power, but it seems to have ample battery life. It gives you battery reports in percent remaining AND an estimate of what that translates to in time. I imagine that this is a Windows 8 feature, but whoever put it in, it's nice to have.

Best Deals for HP Pavilion Touchsmart 11-E010nr 11.6-Inch Touchscreen Laptop

Looking for a laptop to go to Florida that was not as bulky as my 15 inch, or as heavy I picked this up on sale and as of two days it seems a really good buy. It is quick,loads quick has windows 8 which I am getting used to and I am getting used to the key placement although I wush it had a back lit keyboard and as you know it doesn't have a cd dvd drive. Other than that for a little more than 350 I am very satisfied

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