Sunday, July 6, 2014

Reviews of Sony VAIO PCG-FXA47 Notebook (1-GHz Athlon, 256 MB RAM, 20 GB hard

Sony VAIO PCG-FXA47 Notebook
Customer Ratings: 3 stars
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If you are serious about buying a laptop and you want quality for a good price, then this is the laptop for you. I find the Sony FXA47 to be an excellent laptop from the start. The Sony software included is handy. I bought the 48-Mo. warranty extension from Circuit City, so I don't feel any need to be concerned. Most importantly, the battery lasts the full three hours as promised in the manual. This is good for travel, even though it is heavy. I find that the included weight saver makes no sense if it only saves you 0.4 lbs. Performance on this laptop was a little slow when I first started using it, but after a few days of use it seems to speed up in performance. The DVD/CD-RW is a bit noisy and makes the laptop shake, so that might not be a convenience for business travelers on planes. Overall, a good laptop, w/a few glitches here and there. Definitely good for home/office users, but travelers might certainly want to look at something else less heavy and w/o a noisy cd player.

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The Sony VAIO PCG-FXA47 offers a great combination of features, rubber-to-the-road performance and affordability for the home user who wants the freedom of a laptop. The DVD/CD-RW drive drew me in, and the fast processor and generous memory sold me. The 20GB hard drive should be plenty for almost everyone (documents/photos/Quicken), although a user editing digital movies might have to think twice. This laptop comes with 10/100 NIC, so DSL connectivity is a snap. The software shipped with mine was also very useful. Note that it comes with serial & parallel ports as well as 2 USB ports, so connection to your peripherals is also convenient. The price is very good considering all you get. All in all, a good deal!

Best Deals for Sony VAIO PCG-FXA47 Notebook (1-GHz Athlon, 256 MB RAM, 20 GB hard

The FXA47 is a sleek machine and when it works, it is wonderful.

I run a number of machines with XP and all perform better than this laptop, especially my Dell laptop.

The FXA47 hangs repeatedly when using standard programs such as the microsoft office family. Frequent crashing makes the computer nearly useless.

This is my second FXA47; the first was replaced due to these same problems to no avail. Beware!

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