Friday, August 29, 2014

HP Spectre XT TouchSmart Ultrabook 15t-4000 (Silver); Intel Core Review

HP Spectre XT TouchSmart Ultrabook 15t-4000; Intel Core i7-3517U, 15.6' FULL HD 1080p IPS Touch Screen Display, Dual Hard Drives, 12GB RAM Upgrade
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $2,049.99
Sale Price: $1,499.95
Today's Bonus: 27% Off
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The touch screen is of course the first thing you might notice with this lightening fast laptop. And, well, the touch screen feature is quite awesome, but the dual drives and instant on function are worth the extra expense. Getting used to the new format and layout of Windows 8 requires the user to rethink a few things, but the UI is slick and fast and easy.

This will get you noticed in the office if that is important, more important to me are the features. The light up keys, the speed of the processesor, the ram and then there is the screen. Beautiful images. Ok so I sound like an HP paid fan, but while I love their products, I have owned and used other brands and work with Macs all day at the office. So many co workers are Mac fanatics and pay much more for what this laptop delivers. The bang for the buck here is substantial. .

I was concerned moving from a 17 inch screen to a 15 inch but am doing just fine. I did buy an external DVD drive/ burner because of all the files I have at home on disk. But I have only used the external drive once so far and have yet to take it to work.

If you want Windows 8 touch screen capacity then take this model for a spin.

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Within 2 weeks of receiving this marvelous top-of-the-line computer, problems started happening:

1. The the lower right corner of the screen popped out from the lid (i.e., no longer sitting flush to the lid. I only noticed it because I happened to be working in a dark room at the time and light was leaking from the corner.

2. The W and CTRL keys started to become unresponsive.

I notified Eliktronics, but they told me to call HP. If you buy from Eluktronics, you better notice and notify them of any problems within 7 days or they absolve themselves of responsibility. Fine. HP sent out a box for me to send the laptop back to them in.

The day before it arrived, Windows mysteriously crashed and failed to boot "No OS Found" -no boot media, so no way to repair. I spoke with HP again to update the trouble-ticket. We clearly agreed that the issues were the mfg-defective screen, the keyboard, and now the SSD/HDD/OS.

The brand-new computer was sent to HP; dead as a brick. They were supposed to fix the three problems above. What I received back, was a computer that was wiped clean, the OS installed on the 5400RPM HDD rather than on the SSD, a screen that was still leaking light because they never replaced or adhered the screen, and a keyboard was neither replaced nor fixed.

Frustrated and tired of the irritation, I decided that this "premier model" was a lot less than, and that I will just bend over and deal with this POS for the next year or so and buy a different one -that works.

So, that being said, I had manually installed the SSD drivers, moved the OS from the HDD to the SSD and decide to just deal with having to make sure that W and CTRL key-presses take. And I am ignoring the popped screen.

It was a nice effort. Until last night. Now the USB 2.0 port stops working unless I reboot which seems to fix it for several hours.

This is a total lemon. I am in IT and have been computing since the old 8088 days. I've never had issues like this before.

Eluktronics won't help or take responsibility for selling me a lemon, and my wife is on the phone with HP right now to have this sent in for the SECOND time to address ALL the same issues that they didn't fix the first time I sent it in. Seems to me all they did was wipe the drives and install the OS on the wrong drive.

I've have this computer for fewer than two months... and now it's going back to HP for "servicing" for the second time in 2 weeks -who knows what I will have to fix when I finally get it back or what they, once again, won't bother to repair.

If this computer worked, it would be great and something I would recommend.


Best Deals for HP Spectre XT TouchSmart Ultrabook 15t-4000 (Silver); Intel Core

New to Windows8 and I love how easy it works on this new HP Spectre. Great laptop. Well done. I would definitely recommend this laptop.

Honest reviews on HP Spectre XT TouchSmart Ultrabook 15t-4000 (Silver); Intel Core

This is a very wonderful device. I have been using it for the past 6 months and it has never disappointed. I just upgraded to Windows 8.1 now. I tried replacing the internal 128GB SSD because it was no longer enough for me, but discovered it was using a mini SSD, but I had already bought a Samsung EVO SSD. Nevertheless, i will buy the required type. I am in love with the system

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