List Price: $695.99
Sale Price: $489.89
Today's Bonus: 30% Off
OK Well it's big, the keys are large and have a good feel/feedback. Built in web cam/mic works nice if your into that. Lots of other aux inputs usb, hdmi, mic in, earphone plug card reader yadyada...
Performance is good for some games, BF2 and Unreal Tourny run fine but Farcry3 is way to slow even at the games lowest settings, but it does load and the graphics look outstanding to me.
Battery power is decent, I guess about 5-6 hours, as long as your not taxing the crap out of the system. Haven't timed how long it will play a dvd movie, just web serving, email, angry birds...
The plastic black case is tough but I wouldn't drop test it.I really like the textured/recessed scroll pad, this sucker was made for windows 8. Two fingers and your ready to expand, contract, basically everything you can do on a touchscreen you can do on this (don't quote me there though).
Windows 8 (OS comes preloaded/no discs but can be backed up once) is like the new kid next door, once you get to know him/her then things aren't as bad as they seemed. It's that transition that's hard. Now if you have a desktop w/out one of these laptop scroll pad things, well you may have a harder time, not that the mouse won't work it's just that Win8 seems to be built to appease both mouse and touchscreen users at the same time and things aren't organized as before. I admit I had a hard time at first (less so 2 weeks later) but it does get easier. Until I get better with Win8 I'm using a program called Classic Start Menu. It's a big help sometime.
April 2013 Best Buy for $399
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